The people with this mentality will starve.

If I gave you some seeds and said, “Here, plant these seeds, water them and take care of them for 6 months and it’ll feed you and your family.”

You, with no prior knowledge of plants, seeds, crops, farming, etc…Having never heard of it before…You’d go, “Prove it. I’ll believe it when I see it.” And you won’t take the seeds and plant them. As far as you’re concerned, those tiny little seeds won’t turn into food for you. How could those tiny seeds turn into food to feed your family? “Impossible! Give me proof! Show me! I’ll believe it when I see it.”, you say.

And until then, you won’t plant the seeds… And because you won’t plant the seeds, they never grow into fruit to feed you. And because they never grow into fruit to feed you… you continue to believe they never could… and you die for lack of food.

These are the people who hear the gospel and say, “I’ll believe it when I see it.” The ones who hear about God, who hear about Jesus Christ and say, “Show me.”

You see… life requires faith. And without it, you will achieve nothing.

It’s impossible to live in life without faith

Everyone has faith… the only difference is where they put it. Some put their faith in money. Some in a job. Some in “science”, so falsely called. Some in music. Some in sex. Some in drugs, alcohol, substances. Some in a person. Some in fame. Some in power. Some in an idea in their head. Some in their own intellect.

But everyone has faith… and most, have faith in the wrong things. No wonder why they are always disappointed. Most put their faith in anything BUT God…

And some people put their faith directly, and openly in satan. And people only believe THAT is evil, but what they don’t understand is…

All things that are not of God, are of satan. All things that are not good, are evil.

The devil does not care whether you follow him or not. All that he cares about is that you are NOT following God. Worship a potato, a feather, a TV, a celebrity, an animal, riches, fame, whatever you want, just not God. And that’s where so many are deceived… they believe that because they aren’t directly worshipping satan that they aren’t following in his ways and doing what he wants.

But you see… if God wants you to follow Him in His righteousness and goodness—and satan wants you to do anything BUT, follow God in His righteousness and goodness… and you do anything BUT, follow God—Then, who is your master? And who do you serve?

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