I can attest to the fact that my faith has been made stronger by doing the will of God and not by going to church.

I’ve found greater faith outside of the church than inside of it.

My faith has been strengthened by doing the will of God not by hearing it.

I worked with people who are lost. Having not heard the word of God, some were rejecters and mockers and scoffers. Others were open.

In terms of the word, I was surrounded by those who were not with me. Which means they were against me, I was behind enemy lines.

And yet, I found greater faith and was closer to God than at a church.

Because among these people… I was doing the will of God by sharing His word with them and fighting for His kingdom. Whereas, in a church, I sit, do nothing, make myself feel good with all the others, get my ears tickled and just hear the word of God. How useless.

Doing versus hearing

In a church, you sit and hear and watch one man brandish a sword. But none of the people in a church are willing to practice or use the sword themselves. Most don’t even know how to. They just watch it and hear about it.

Whereas being among the lost and surrounded by unclean spirits and evil, I have to wield and use my sword, the word of God, to divide people and destroy evil spirits. To draw people closer to God and spread His good word throughout… which requires me to lean on God heavily because it’s not something I can do on my own. And it’s definitely not something I can do based on my own understanding.

So, I end up with greater and stronger faith walking with God than hearing about it. What a surprise!

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